
By: Next Apartment

Practice Your Swing Before Spring

While it may not be golf season yet, it is time to start moving your body and improving your swing. We’ve got a few ideas sure to help you loosen up tense muscles and tighten up your golf game. 

Golf is a low impact sport; however, that doesn’t mean it won’t test your muscles and endurance. Implementing an exercise routine is an excellent way to prepare your body for the golf course. Work on your body’s flexibility with a few stretches that work your core, quadriceps, hips, and hamstrings. For that perfect swing, strengthen your wrists and elbows too. Once you’re comfortable with the stretches, add a few exercises that will focus on your core, hamstrings, and glutes. (If you don’t have hand weights, laundry detergent bottles are a suitable replacement).

Your grip can make or break your shot, so some golf professionals suggest you practice your grip by holding one of your clubs in your hand with a light but steady grip, several days a week. Another method is to use a ruler to help align your grip and ensure you’ve got it right.

Practicing your putting is also very important. For this, you’ll need a putter and a D cell battery. Lay the battery on its side, pick a target for the battery to roll to, and strike the battery as you would a ball. If the heel and toe of your putter hit the battery at the same time, it will roll straight. If not, adjust your strike until it does.

Canadian Tire, just minutes from our Pine Allard Properties, has foam golf balls you can safely use indoors for practice. Using a foam ball can help improve your swing and strengthen your chip and pitch shots. When you feel confident with your practicing, book time at the Crimson Ridge golf simulator to work on your game. A golf simulator allows you to either play a round of golf or practice your swing like you would at a driving range.

If you practice your golf stance, grip, and putting several days a week and exercise 3 days a week, you’re sure to see an improvement in your game.